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Water Quality Analysis of River Godavari

Project Description

River Godavari is among the largest peninsular rivers and the third largest river in India. It is also one of the most sacred rivers in India. Nearly 50% of the total catchment area of the river falls in Maharashtra. MPCB conducts periodic monitoring of the water quality of river Godavari. EMC was engaged by MPCB for statistical analysis of water quality data of River Godavari. The monitoring network consisted of 19 stations with 7 years of data consisting of monthly measurements of various parameters for water quality. EMC used tools like univariate & bivariate analysis, trend power and direction analysis and Location Importance Index (LII) to identify long terms water quality trends, stations violating water quality standards, monitoring stations affected by anthropogenic pollution etc. EMC came out with several recommendations regarding siting of stations, water quality monitoring frequency and monitoring parameters.

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