Featured Projects

Rapid Environmental and Social Assessment of potential wind farm locations in using GIS based tools and models

Project Description

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Power Ltd. (erstwhile Gamesa Wind Turbines Pvt. Ltd.) is a world leader in the development, construction, and sale of wind farms. EMC has been engaged by the company for identification and assessment of environmental and social (E&S) sensitivities of prospective wind farm locations at the project identification stage since the year 2015. In these assessments, EMC used advanced modelling tools for noise and shadow flicker analysis. GIS was extensively used for the identification of sensitive receptors and recommendations are given for siting of wind turbines such that environmental and social impact is low. In addition, EMC conducted Bird and bat study in various seasons for the operating wind farms. EMC has conducted assessments of projects totalling to 8000 MW across the nine windy states in India.