Featured Projects

Capacity Building for the implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement in Mauritius

Project Description

The project aimed at operationalizing the National Action Plan on Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for Government of Mauritius and translate the plans and polices to usable guidelines as well as incorporate sustainability into the bidding process and associated technical documentations.

The main objective of this assignment was to equip procurement officials and suppliers with appropriate tools and templates. The products and services which formed the focus of this assignment were:

  1. Paper for general office use
  2. ICT equipment: PCs, Laptops and Printers
  3. Passenger cars
  4. Office furniture
  5. Cleaning Services and cleaning materials

Capacity building was an important component of this assignment. 60 procurement officers from Ministry of Finance were trained. Key documents like bid documents and guidelines for SPP process were prepared. In addition, market readiness was also assessed through consultation workshops.

EMC was selected as the only technically competent bidder on a global basis. The work done in this assignement became a model for other countries to follow.

Online Footprint

SPP guidelines, SPP training manuals and guidelines for updating and adapting SPP, for Mauritius are available for free download here: